Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bar Soap is Killing Your Collagen!

How could something as simple as a bar of antibacterial soap cause your skin to become dull, loose and flabby?  While it does take some time for the negative effects of washing your skin with bar soap to fully manifest, the results can become nearly irreversable.  The first phase of damage occurs on the surface of the skin, when the soap washes away the protective layer, aka the immune system barrier of the skin.  When the protective layer is gone, this leaves an open door for  intruders like bad bacteria, yeast, and environmental toxins to have a party on the surface of your skin.  In the meantime, the skin cells near the surface of the skin see what is happening up there and they start to send warning messages to the deep layers of the skin.  The messages go something like this, "The enemy has attacked and it is time for you to send up all of your resources to protect the surface of the skin!"  One of the first type of skin cells that gets this message are the melanocytes.  The melanocytes are the cells that produce pigment.  The skin sends more pigment to the surface as a protection mechanism.  Think age spots, dark spots, and overall darkening of the skin.  The deeper skin layers go to work by destroying valuable resources like collagen and natural humectants in order to reproduce the natural protective layer you just washed off with a bar of antibacterial soap.  If this situation continues it results in wrinkle formation, rough skin, and premature aging.  Washing your skin with bar soap also allows your skin to absorb more environmental toxins which can wreak havoc on your hormones, immune system and nervous system.  For tips on what to use and how to cleanse your skin schedule a consultation or facial with me at,

3 Tips for Banishing Blackheads


Wash your skin with a non-stripping cleanser.  Oilier skin types will need to cleanse their skin in the morning and at night, while dryer skin types may only need to cleanse their skin at night.  When you use a cleanser that is free of harsh detergents like SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate) you leave your skin's natural oils intact and avoid dehydrated skin.  Dehydrated skin can become an oil factory, pumping out oil in order to try to protect itself from further dehydration.  Therefore, clogging the pores and making more blackheads.  
Moisturize your skin morning and night.  Keeping your skin hydrated helps keep your pores clear by softening the natural oil in your pores.  When the oil in your pores remains soft it is able to go onto the surface of the skin and lubricate it.
Drink enough water to hydrate your body.  This benefits the skin by not only keeping it more hydrated, but also helps your body flush out toxins.  Both of these things will keep your skin looking its best and decrease the likelihood of developing more blackheads.

WHEN IT COMES TO BLACKHEAD REMOVAL, it is best left to professional hands. If you have questions or would like to schedule a professional facial please email Julie at